Stories as Sales Tools: Noetic Training Workshop

It’s official: our brains love a good story. In fact, compelling stories have the power to change our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors… but most of us aren’t confident in our ability to craft and tell stories that will move our businesses and careers forward. This can become a serious deficit, since career development involves convincing colleagues to support our initiatives.

Luckily, storytelling can be learned. Noetic developed “Craft a Story to Sell Your Idea,” a training workshop that provides tools and step-by-step directions for crafting powerful stories that will make you more effective in your work.

Recently presented by Noetic president Nancie Ruder at the 4A’s 2016 Stratfest in New York, this training workshop can help you and your team raise your skill level at selling initiatives internally, gaining buy-in and support from peers and superiors, and launching products and services to new audiences. Contact and mention storytelling training to learn more.